In order to validate the adapted version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in Spanish, 203 participants aged at least 60 years were interviewed and clinically evaluated. Factor analysis and ROC curves were used to evaluate the instrument. From the clinical evaluation, it was found that 34.5% of the participants were cognitively impaired. MiniMental - formulario | Idiomas «Aquí hay dos dibujos. Por favor copie los dibujos en el mismo papel, (está correcto si la intersección de las 2 figuras de 5 lados forma una figura de 4 lados y si todos los ángulos de las figuras de 5 lados se mantienen. Los círculos deben superponerse menos de la mitad). Mini-mental state examination - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia ... La Mini prueba del estado mental (también llamado Mini Examen del Estado Mental, en Inglés Mini-mental state examination (por sus siglas MMSE)), es un método muy utilizado para detectar el deterioro cognitivo y vigilar su evolución en pacientes con alteraciones neurológicas, especialmente en ancianos. [1] Su práctica toma únicamente entre 5 y 10 minutos, por lo que es ideal para
Mini-Mental Status Examination. The Mini-Mental Status Examination offers a quick and simple way to quantify cognitive function and screen for cognitive loss. It tests the individual's orientation, attention, calculation, recall, language and motor skills. Each section of the test involves a related series of questions or commands. (PDF) El "Mini - Mental State Examination" en español ... El "Mini - Mental State Examination" en español. Normas para Buenos Aires Standardised Mini-Mental State Examination (SMMSE) tool Standardised Mini-Mental State Examination (SMMSE) Please see accompanying guidelines for administration and scoring instructions Say: I am going to ask you some questions and give yousome problems to solve. Please try to answer as best you can. 1. Allow ten seconds for each reply. (PDF) Desempeño de la prueba “Mini-Mental State ... Desempeño de la prueba “Mini-Mental State Examination” en personas adultas mayores sin deterioro cognitivo Article (PDF Available) · January 2018 with 1,749 Reads How we measure 'reads'
Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) - Oxford Medical ... Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) – free printable, downloadable, pdf version The MMSE is a 30-point test Advantages Relatively quick and easy to perform Requires no additional equipment Can provide a method of monitoring deterioration over time Disadvantages Biased against people with poor education due to elements of language and mathematical testing Bias against visually impaired Validation of a Modified Version of the Mini-Mental State ... In order to validate the adapted version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in Spanish, 203 participants aged at least 60 years were interviewed and clinically evaluated. Factor analysis and ROC curves were used to evaluate the instrument. From the clinical evaluation, it was found that 34.5% of the participants were cognitively impaired. MiniMental - formulario | Idiomas
Mini-Examen del Estado Mental (MMSE) de Folstein
MINI EXAMEN - UCLM Mini-Examen Cognoscitivo. Versión española del Mini-Mental Status Examination de Folstein et al (1975). Validado por Lobo et al (1979-94) Publicación más representativa : un sencillo, práctico, para detectar alteraciones intelectuales en paciente médicos. Actas Luso-Españolas de Neurología, psiquiatría y ciencias afines vol 3, 189-202 Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) 1. Orientação Nota 2. c. "Quando eu lhe der esta folha de papel, pegue nela com a mão direita, dobre-a ao meio e ponha sobre a mesa"; dar a folha segurando com as duas mãos. 1.1. MINI Entrevista Neuropsiquiátrica Internacional (MINI ... 1. Instrumentos de detección y orientación diagnóstica 4 Instrucciones generales La MINI es una entrevista diagnóstica estructurada de breve duración que explora los principales trastornos psiquiátricos del Eje I
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